Have you been feeling a bit scattered and inconsistent? 

Not having the momentum that you want to have right now?



I've felt so distracted and inconsistent recently with all the shifts going on in my life (becoming a single mom, moving, etc.)... 


I'm ready to get in aligned action, focused flow, and massive momentum toward my goals!! 

 That's why I have decided to do a 30-Day CHALLENGE

What I LOVE about challenges is that initiation energy they have. They KICK OUR A$$ES INTO GEAR! They give us a success path, a powerful push and a high level of accountability to our goals.

and what I want to know is...


Because if so, you are soooo invited!! 

If you know me, you know that I love to GAMIFY things because it helps me not take life sooo daammnn seriouslyyyy and actually have this energy of lightness and fun... because guess what?! Transformation and achieving our goals can absolutely BE FUN! 

Which is also why... 

I will be giving away up to $1000 worth in prizes for the women that takes 

THE MOST ACTION towards their goals!!! 

 And guess what?? It's only $44 to join!!! 

I'm calling this the "Just JUMP! June Challenge" because it's aaalll about saying F*CK IT, just JUMPING! and taking bold, radical ACTION toward your goals.

It's about DOIN' THE DAMN THING and taking LEAPS OF FAIT - big or small. 

It's about being brave, decisive, and even a little bit IMPULSIVE.


You have the opportunity to win up to $1000 worth in prizes!
The action you choose to take each day doesn't have to be anything specific - it just needs to be in alignment with your goals and your vision! It can be big or small, but it needs to be a tangible ACTION.

Here’s an example of ACTUAL ACTIONS that you might take during the challenge:

Post that piece of content you said you'd post 8 weeks ago!! (I will actually be running a LIVE 10-day content challenge that I am personally very excited about doing myself!!)

Write a chapter of your book that you’ve been saying you’re going to write for ages!!

Finally have that conversation with that certain somebody that you’ve been dreading to have but you KNOW you get to have!!

WORK OUT/MOVE YOUR BODY! (PSSTTT... We will actually be running my 11-Day Ab Challenge and 14-day Booty Challenge that you can participate in at any time!!)

Here are examples that want to trick you into thinking they are action but are in fact, NOT:

  Planning what you’re GOING to do… (I.e., planning your workout, planning your content, etc.)

  Thinking about and journaling about what your goals are

  Consuming information (listening to podcasts, reading books, etc.)

  BUSY WORK (focusing on low-priority tasks that give the illusion of productivity when really they are a total distraction and are NOT moving you any closer to your actual goals!!)

Want to get a head start on earning points and prizes?!

BRING A FRIEND TO DO THE CHALLENGE WITH YOU! Simply have them put in your name in the "referred by" box below when they sign up and you each get 10 points!


By joining the challenge, you also automatically get to join my Ignite Portal -- which comes with a TONNN of added value and fringe benefits. You'll see! ;) 

My Ignite Portal is my online women's membership community that is normally $97/month. By joining this challenge, you get the first month just for $44 (more than HALF off). You can cancel anytime if you don't absolutely love being a part of it-- no strings attached! However, I really hope you end up loooooving it and decide to stay for all of the juicy value and surprises I have planned every month for you!!

Here's what you get IN ADDITION to the Just JUMP! June Challenge:

Access to THE VAULT: A treasure-trove of trainings and resources that you can tap and tune into anytime! The Vault will be consistently growing and upgrading regularly with fresh, relevant content that you can bine-watch like your favorite Netflix show!

Weekly LIVE Mini-Audio Trainings from ME ("Weekly Upgrades"): I will be recording & dropping bite-sized audio trainings (5-15 mins each) every week.

Access to an exclusive members-only private podcast. Where you can receive my coaching material easily and conveniently on-the-go.

Be a part of an EXCLUSIVE, POWERFUL BADAS$ COMMUNITY of soul-aligned women who are on this path with you and fanning your flames as you rise and soar! This is where the power of group MOMENTUM and accountability is really activated! Alone we can only go so far! We rise further and faster TOGETHER!

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Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Today's payment
  • Just Jump! June$44
  • Future payments
  • $97

All prices in USD

**If you cancel on or before June 30th (the last day of the challenge), you will not be charged the $97/mo. HOWEVER, I really hope you love the Ignite Portal and choose to stay!! You can cancel anytime if you decide it's not for you.